let's get (kind of) social

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Stating the obvious: kids need to socialize.

Stating the even more obvious: that's really hard during a massive worldwide pandemic.

This week, Renee and I decided to get together at her home to brainstorm together and develop some content ideas for Unfancy Friends. I've been mostly quarantined since March. Both of our husbands work at medical facilities with a boat load of precautions in place. We work from home. But regardless, there's that fear. That worry, that anxiety. This isn't just about us. Our kids are stuck at home. They're bored, too. They're sick of the routine. So how can we safely let them socialize and not be drowning in fear as a result?

Be sure to do what works for YOU. If you or your child are high risk, it's, as a rule, not worth it. Don't be around people who have been ill or around someone who is. Deep clean your home and shared surfaces. Wash the ever-lovin' FIRE out of your hands. Keep hand sanitizer within reach. Choose outdoor activities. Stay out of public spaces and if you have to venture out, wear your dang mask! Don't share cups, finger food and utensils. And uh, maybe don't lick each other. (This is an actual problem with children so if you think your kiddo can't keep their tongue to themselves, maybe sit this one out.)

Right now, our boys are safely enjoying some time together in the comfort of Renee's (neurotically) clean home. This is much-needed! And let's be honest, not only are they enjoying the interaction, these mamas are soaking up the brief intervals of peace and quiet, too. Our boys are bouncing their energy off of each other, building up their motor skills and learning how to better play and communicate with one another. Even baby Mila is getting in the mix! It's a fun, cognitive bonding experience for them and a welcome break for two cooped up stay-at-home moms. 

That doesn't mean the worry and fear has completely subsided. It hasn't and really, I don't know when it will. But a break is like a massive push on that reset button. Sure, you're washing hands a little extra and maybe making sure the kids aren't throwing spitballs on each other. But mama, still make time for this. If you feel comfortable with it, do. Allow your children to feel the sunshine a little more. Find a safe, healthy playmate. Let them be little.

And mama, let yourself breathe. 

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