SUPER easy Thai Coconut Chicken!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Quick and easy (ok, and healthy!) is ideal for dinners around our home. My husband works fulltime in the operating room at a local children's hospital and I work from home fulltime with my real estate and design business, as well as juggling two kids 2 and under. When it's finally time to sit down, unwind and decompress, sometimes cooking a big, fancy meal just ain't gonna happen. I mean let's face it, that just doesn't sound like the most relaxing thing in the world and sometimes mama and daddy need a freakin' breather.

So, when I came across these super easy skillet meal kits from Costco, I knew it was a win. And when my 2-year-old actually ate it? Even better! 

Click the link below for this insanely quick meal idea :)

- Renee

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