Friday, July 10, 2020


We (yes, we!) are so, so excited to announce the launch of a brand new project....!

Let's be honest. So often, we as women see these impeccably dressed, crazy fit Instagram influencers, drink in hand on some remote tropical island, living their best life with a couple of filters, a caption with absolutely no direct correlation to the photo, and a whole lot of views.

That's great.

That's also not real.

Look, I know they're actually there, and yeah, they're actually kinda living their best life--but for most of us, that's not OUR lives. That's not the attainable standard.

Them? They're fancy.

Us? Not so much.

Introducing a blog for the unfiltered mama.

We're two best friends with 21 years of love, laughter and snarky insults between us. We're mamas, we're wives, we're just trying to figure out our lives.

Be sure to sign up for our email list for instant updates on motherhood, home design, product reviews, beauty hacks, advice, fun projects, and even the occasional cringey video or two.

We're real. We're raw. We're highly caffeinated.

We can't wait to get to know you!

- Kaley & Renee

^these photos may be old but honestly, this is the kind of content you can expect. 
You've been warned.

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Unfancy Friends © . Design by Berenica Designs.