"baby boy, you stay on my miiiind"- beyonce but also me

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hello again!

Obviously, this blog has been getting neglected more than my diet but as many of you already know, we have more big news in the Branch house...

Baby Twig is a BOY!!


    To say we were surprised is an understatement. My entire pregnancy, Taylor and I have been convinced that our little one would be a sweet little bow-clad baby girl. I barely even entertained the thought of boy names because I was so convinced my mother's instincts would prove correct. Even friends and family were sure a mini-me was in the works. Within my core group of friends, we are overrun with adorable little men! It all started with my sister-in-law, Kaitlin, who's last three children have all been boys. Shortly after Gunner's birth, Vee had Landry, followed by Sarah with Leo, Kat with Andrew and finally, Renee with Eli. Surely, Baby Branch would break the pattern, right? Side note: every single one of us worked together at a tanning salon in college. I think that water needs to be evaluated, STAT. #Venusboyzclubforlife

    A few weeks ago, we finally had our gender sonogram and took Faith along with us. The sono tech handed over the envelope that guarded our big secret and bless Faithie's heart, she had to keep that secret from us (and everyone else!) for nearly four long days. This isn't an easy task in our family! Prior to our gender reveal party, she sweetly handmade us a confetti lantern with a pull-string bottom for the big moment. That Saturday, cheers and tears erupted as all that blue came pouring out into the wind. A sweet little man is on his way and this momma couldn't possibly be more overjoyed!

   I think deep down, I knew I was destined to be a boy mom. Something about the thought of future squabbles over outfits, dating and teenage girl drama kinda/sorta made me wanna puke and let's just say my first trimester nausea is long gone, y'all. That's not to say that raising a boy will be a walk in the park (is ANYTHING ever a walk in the park when it comes to kids?) but I had already started to wring my hands over mental images of push-up bras and mini-skirts. As unfair as it may be, I was overwhelmed at the idea of how to prepare my daughter to navigate a world full of bias, hostility and harassment. Instead, I now find myself stepping up to the plate to raise my future son to be a gentleman, a man that will treat others with respect, dignity, loyalty and love. It all starts with how you raise them.

   Baby boy, we will never be perfect but we will always try our hardest to do right by you and those around you. My hope for you is that you will learn the true meaning of kindess, hard work and compassion. I can barely fathom that come December, I will be a momma, much less imagine the lifetime of love and memories that awaits us. You, your daddy, big sister and big brother mean the world to me, a world that will be forever altered by your sweet arrival. Right now, I can feel your strong little kicks and all your bumps and wiggles throughout the night. You are a part of me, sweet boy, in the truest sense of the word, and a part of me you will always remain. I hope to never take for granted these tender moments when we are truly knitted to each other, mind, body and soul. In just four short months, you'll be a part of this big, ever-changing world and momma won't be able to protect you like I do now. I may have aches, pains and heartburn, endless bathroom trips and an increasing lack of sleep (shout out!) but baby, you are worth every restless night and long, endless day. At this point, I'm 23 weeks pregnant and your little face and taste buds are fully formed and ready to go. You're an active little guy and you can recognize all the sounds and voices you hear around you. You react to light and touch and amaze me every day with the ways you're already growing and evolving.

I love you, my son. SON! I can't believe I can say that! You're mommy's biggest blessing and I cannot wait to hold you in my arms the way I already do in my heart.

December can't come soon enough. You're the best thing that's ever been mine, kid. 💓


Little man's side profile at 20 weeks. He was flailing his arms and sucking his thumb the whole time!
 Already leaving footprints on my heart...y'all want some crackers with that cheese?

One hot mess momma before work yesterday. 23 weeks and DEFINITELY growing!


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