Unplug. And Power Up.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Unplug.  And power up.

You may remember that I mentioned last week that Kaley and I took a short break to unplug and regroup.

I think this is something that so many of us underestimate.  And maybe we’re ashamed or too proud (yeeeeah, def talking about myself on this one).  We’re pulled in so many directions all the time.  Kids.  Work.  Not living in a filthy mess.  Eating well to feel our best.  Exercising to keep up with aforementioned kids.  The list goes on and on.  It’s exhausting.  It’s okay to accept that it’s too much some times.  Honestly, I think it’s counterproductive to not acknowledge this.  

Hitting the pause button for a couple weeks gave us both some much-needed time to assess what we really want out of this platform and what we’re both able to realistically contribute while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.  

I’ve had to do this in other areas of my life as well.  We recently hired a part-time nanny.  It was hard for me to accept that I can’t realistically achieve my lofty real estate goals while staying home full-time with my kids.  I’ve always been an “energizer bunny” kind of person and really thought I could handle it all.  LOL RENEE YOU’RE HILARIOUS!  Kids are a whole ‘notha level.  

I was burnt out.  So much frustration from so many angles.  Setting aggressive work goals and never achieving them.  Lacking actual quality time with my kids because I’m juggling them and work.  

Ladies, if you’re feeling like this, don’t glaze over it!  OWN IT.  ACCEPT IT.  AND REASSESS.  

Since implementing this philosophy, I’m genuinely feeling more and more balanced every day.  I have laser-focus with work and less distractions when taking my kids to the park for the day.  

Please tell me I’m not alone here!  Let us know what your tricks of the trade are :)

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