Sunflowers and scraped knees

Monday, September 14, 2020

Little man, I hate to see you fall.

Every time you hurt yourself, I promise you, it hurts mama’s heart even more. 

Little man, I hate to hear you cry.

Every second you’re sad or upset chips away at me and I wish more than anything that I could just fix it all.

Little man, I hate to see you in pain.

Where’s it’s a bump or bruise, a shot at the doctor’s office or a stubbed toe, know I would trade places with you in a heartbeat.

Little man, I hate to see you fall.

But little man, I love to see you get back up.

We all fall down and fall short. Whether it’s physically or emotionally, on a walk outside or on our walk with God, we all stumble but the beauty of it is,  we can all recover.

There’s still light that can shine on darkness.

Sunflowers still stand at night. 

I hope that as you grow older and get bigger, you know that you will mess up, you will fail. You will hit the ground running or you’ll hit the ground hard. But you can always get back up. You can always pull yourself together. You can always ask for forgiveness. You can always start over. You can always slap on a Band-Aid and slap on a smile.

The world is yours, kid. It may throw you on the ground but it can’t hold you down. It may feel heavy at times but remember—you wouldn’t have diamonds without a little pressure. 

You wouldn’t know happiness without a little pain.

Keep at it, sweet boy. Never let yourself cry for too long. 

Not now, not then.

And if all else fails?

All you need is a tub of ice cream.

...okay, and your mama.

Always your mama.


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