Find Your Person

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Find your person.

The friend that isn’t just there for the highs, but picks you up off the ground during the lowest of lows.

The friend that may not live nearby but is always a random, late night phone call away.

The friend that you can comfortably sit in silence with.

The friend that picks up on your mood with just one look and makes an active effort to lift you out of it.

The friend that always your back.

*...but will still tell you when you’re wrong.*

The friend that’s honest, loyal, compassionate and real.

Find. Your. Person.

Keep. Them. Close.

My person isn’t just someone I have fun with. She’s someone I can be raw with. Messy with. Someone I would much rather sit on the couch and watch a cheesy 2000s chick flick than go out with. She’s seen me at my worst and supported me through my best. She’s brought me back down to earth when I needed it and lifted me up when I couldn’t stand. 

There is nothing superficial about our friendship. We have a lot in common but not everything. That’s the beauty of it, right? Finding someone you can share that mutual respect with. Someone who will teach you new things and let you teach them. 

She’s someone who I can be me with. Like, the real, true, honest, unfiltered ME. I don’t have to try to be something I’m not. There’s no forcing it. No false pretenses. No trying to fit the mold or fit in. (Been there, tried that, no thank you!)

She is accepting. She is encouraging. She’s a voice of reason and wisdom and endless sarcasm.

She’s the Type A to my daydreamer.

She’s the ground to my sky.

She’s the “Kaley...are you serious?” to my “Renee...guess what I did?”

She’s been my other half since we were 9 years old. We’ve gone through swing sets, matching outfits and playground arguments to first kisses, first boyfriends and first cars. We’ve been there for the weddings and we’ve been there for the babies. We were there for the late nights and now we’re here for the early mornings.

We are each our own person.

But she’s still my person.

Find yours, sister. Cultivate those friendships. Work hard to keep them. Put in the effort. Love them hard.  

And honestly?

Listen to them.

Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves.

(But don’t tell her I said that.)

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