Be a good freakin’ person

Saturday, September 26, 2020

The other night, my husband, son and I grabbed a quick bite to eat after a long day of work and errand running out of town.

After we sat down, a small group of college girls were seated near us.

One of the girls got up and walked off to go place her order while the rest of them stayed at their table, phones glued in hand, and began talking in semi-hushed tones that were honestly not really hushed at all because clearly I heard every word 🙃

“I’m sorry, but I just can’t feel bad for her. She acts like she works out and wants to eat healthy but look at what she ordered when she comes back. It’s disgusting.”

“Yeah seriously, I mean, if she wants to be the same size as her friends, she has to work for it. She’s honestly just lazy and it grosses me out.”

“Yeah I mean, it’s not that hard. Sorry you’re not skinny but like...stop being gross?”

The conversation continued until the girl came and sat back down with her plate.

“Omg, that looks sooooo good, I’m so jealous!!” 

Ladies. Really?!

This. Has got. To stop.

Being a fake friend isn’t cute. It’s not funny. It’s not quirky. It’s mean. It’s hateful. It’s a waste of your time and hers.

Kindness is free. It GIVES you energy—hate will burn it up. 

Speaking negatively about people who you claim to love and care about will harden your heart and weigh down your spirit.

That’s the devil at work, girl.

And just think about how that other person would feel if she could hear your words.
(Side note: one day, they will hear them, if they haven’t already.)

Think about how you would feel if they were being said about you.

I’m not saying you have to agree with everything your friends do.

If you’re worried about them, for whatever reason, support them. Encourage them. Pray for them.

But spewing venom instead?

There’s no need. It’s not okay. It’s not acceptable. It’s not a good look.

Sister, be the anedote. 

Lift up your friends. Hold their hand and protect their heart. 

What you put out into the world is what you will get back out of it. 

And if you can’t say anything nice?

Shut your mouth and expect more for yourself.

Expect more for your people.

Think before you speak, feel those words on your tongue, and imagine how you might come off to the tired 30-something mama next to you who learned this lesson herself many, many years ago. 

And if you’re getting treated like this by the people you call your friends?

Move on, sister.

They’re not the ones for you.

I don’t know, y’all.
It seems simple.

Just be a freakin’ good person. 🤷‍♀️

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