Best Baby Daycare Essentials

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Ok, so. Guys. Daycare. WHEW. The tears were flowing for both me and Hudson the first day we dropped him off recently!

The transition hasn't been easy but honestly? It's been so worth it. Not only have I been loving my new job in the real estate world, but Hudson getting to socialize and spend time outside our home has been SO beneficial. 

That being said, I made sure to stock up on a few essentials to ease my worried heart and give this mama some much-needed peace of mind in order to make that transition as smooth as I could. Here are a few of the products we ordered to make sure Hud (and mama!) were ready to go:

With so many cups, bottles and utensils to juggle, I thought it was super important (ok, and pretty dang cute) to make sure we had custom waterproof labels made to stick on everything he would be bringing with him for the day. These have stuck well on his water bottle and snack bowl, both of which are constantly within easy reach in his diaper bag and get touched ALL day long. We picked this particular font and color scheme but there are plenty of custom touches to choose from!
*insert pic*

I'm a big fan of preperation, y'all. Whenever we're out and about for the day or traveling, I make sure we have the perfect amount of snacks (hello, squeezable apple sauce and Goldfish!) ready to go for my growing-way-too-fast 20-month-old. Dad was a huge fan of the camo print and seeing Hud carry this around has been worth the purchase in itself. ;) It's roomy enough for what we need, comes with a side pocket for a drink, and had plenty of customizable options to choose from.
*insert pic*

I don't know about y'all, but Hudson has a favorite cup. Like, for real, it's often the only cup he'll drink out of--the kid prefers milk out of a smaller sippy but will dominate his shakes and juice from the cup I linked above. Go figure! It's super important, as I learned from experience, that if you can bring a second "fave cup" to keep at daycare that is IDENTICAL to the one at home, that helps make the transition that much easier. For whatever reason, my son isn't a fan of the cups with straws (but will drink from a regular straw in a glass?) and this kind of spout has been his personal go-to. These are available at Walmart and won't break the bank (it's only $2!!) so I'd say that's a (super cheap and convenient) win!

What have been some of your little one's favorite daycare essentials?!

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