Thanks, 2020

Friday, February 5, 2021

I think the one thing we can all agree on right now is we're tired.  Tired of staying home.  Tired of going out and constantly questioning our choices.  Tired of working from home in less than ideal conditions.  Tired of the political polarization we're subjected to daily.  Tired of the fear and hate that seems to spread more quickly than a global pandemic.  We're just...tired.

I've recently found myself reflecting on 2020 and what insights I've gained from it.  It forced us all to slow down.  With my neurotic, type A personality, I've always thought of myself as someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment.  However, I think it's easy to mistake "surviving" with "thriving."  It's great to set goals and a clear path for execution, but it's arguably more important to allow yourself some time and space to unwind.  Isn't it weird that so many of us are so bad at doing nothing?!  Sometimes I intentionally try sitting down, no devices in hand or TV blaring in the background.  SHOCKER: I'm really bad at it.   But it takes practice, just like anything else.  Health and exercise has always been a big priority of mine.  Time to make mental health a priority and intentionally slow down.  So, thanks 2020, for allowing me to see this.

I've also played harder with my kids this year.  Although I definitely miss the large shindigs we would have with friends and family, the more intimate time with just my husband and kids has been so sweet.  We've gotten more creative with what we have to work with, versus constantly trying to find things to "go out and do."  My husband literally ordered stakes and flags to outline a mini dirt bike track in our backyard.  So yeah, that's happening.  We've made some epic monster truck tracks with magnets.  We've jumped to exhaustion on the trampoline.  And we've snuggled so hard.  There's nothing that enriches my day quite like the .35 seconds when my kids truly lean into me.  The best way I can describe it is my soul recharging like a cell phone battery.  I'm so drained so much of the time.  But when that fleeting moment comes, there's simply nothing like it.  (Maybe I should have used the analogy of a Tesla rapid-charge battery or something?  Idk...that's way above my pay grade, but you get my gist.)  Trust me, there are days when I am counting down the seconds to my kids' bedtime and crave adult conversation (or music with cuss words), but these exhausting moments bring the greatest joy.  So, thanks 2020, for allowing me to see this.  

2020 has sucked.  It has caused a lot of devastation -- financially, physically, and mentally -- for so many people.  But let's not lose sight of the silver lining.

"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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