back to school blues

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Mama, I can’t imagine.

I can’t imagine the stress your heart must be carrying as you weigh the decisions and “pro and con” each option for this upcoming school year.

I can’t imagine the fear some of you have in your heart, the doubts staring you in the face as you shop for school supplies, new clothes, a sturdy backpack and a quality mask.

*A mask. Did we ever think we’d see a freakin’ MASK on our required supply list?!*

For those of you who are doing distance learning, your kids will likely miss their friends, miss their clubs, sports, and activities. Some of them may blame YOU for it. 

Mama, deep breath. Mama, it’ll get better. I feel you.

For those who have children returning to campus, there’s that extra layer of worry, the wondering and the what-ifs. “Is this the right decision? What happens if they get sick? Will I regret this? Will they?”

Mama, deep breath. Mama, you know what’s best.

No matter what your thoughts are about the situation, this school year is still undoubtedly the weirdest one you’ve had to face. There’s so many unanswered questions, so many concerns, so much uncertainty, so much at stake.

Mama, deep breath. Mama, you were made for this.

As parents, we are molded from the clay for exact moments like these. We’re here to steward our children and guide them as best we can. We’re here to instill confidence in them and face tough choices with a durable, steadfast resolve. We’re here to sometimes make those tough calls for them and to shoulder the anger and hurt when it wasn’t the decision they wanted to hear.

Ultimately, we’re here to have their backs. 

Love your child through this crazy time, no matter what choice you’ve made. Trust yourself. Know that you did right by them, mama.

In the end, sometimes all we need is a little tough love.

And even tougher hand sanitizer.

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