magic ✨

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Holiday stress. Whew, y’all. That mess is REAL.

With less than 10 days to go, I’m nowhere near done with my shopping. 🤦‍♀️ The list is long and the budget is tight. I’m overeating and overthinking. I have so much to do and a whole other life to live outside of these long lines and add-to-carts. Guys, seriously. It’s beyond overwhelming and more than a little distracting. When did THIS become Christmas?!

I look at that picture above and suddenly, it all gets put into perspective. The pride on that sweet little boy’s face the first time he ever got to hang an ornament. His excitement when we’ll put out goodies for Santa and wake bright and early for some breakfast and family time on Christmas Day. The sparkle. The innocence. The twinkling lights and tiny hands wrapped around warm mugs of hot cocoa. The full bellies and fuller hearts. The sugar cookies and frosting coated kisses. The cheesy music and cringey Hallmark movies. The jingle bells and cinnamon smells. The joy of giving. And the joy of Jesus. 

✨The real reason for the season! ✨

That’s it, sis. That’s what it’s really all about. Don’t let the mad rush and cluttered Target toy aisle take that away from you. Don’t allow the stress and worry and deadlines rob you of that childlike innocence and full-hearted acceptance of what this holiday truly means. 

Honestly? Don’t lose that magic.

Lead by example. Show your little ones the power of giving. Suspend belief, suspend reality, and breathe a second.

It’s not about the gifts. It’s not about who-spent-what or who snagged the best deals.

It’s about those tiny (or taller 😉) little humans right in front of you.

It’s about the story of Christmas 

It’s about love.

Put down the credit card and invest some time, instead.

That’s the meaning.

THAT’S the magic.


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