5 Ways to Give Back this Christmas

Friday, December 18, 2020

This year has been hard on all of us.  So much fear of the unknown.  Many have experienced financial troubles that no one could have anticipated.  Many feel isolated from their friends and family.  No one really knows what the "right choice" is in most scenarios.  We're all just doing our best with the information available.

This year, more than ever, it's so important to remember what the Christmas season is all about.  Cherishing those you love.  And giving back to our local communities.

This week, the kids and I (errr, maybe not so much Mila) went through their heaping piles of toys and hand-selected the ones we'd like to donate.  It was so rewarding watching Eli mentally process the fact that there are kids who would otherwise not have any toys on Christmas morning and seeing his eyes light up as he carefully selected which ones he thought they'd like.  Teaching empathy and compassion from an early age is so, so important!

That got me thinking...we should put together an easy list of ways for people to give back to their local communities this year!  Soooo, here we go!  (Everything in the sage color below is a direct link to each of these programs!)

1. North Texas Food Bank: I can't emphasize this one enough.  We're talking about the most basic human necessities here.  Donating to this organization can literally be life-changing for someone.  Let that sink in.  A donation of $25 can provide 150 meals!  

  • Volunteer opportunities with the NTFB: As our kids get older (and less chaotic), we plan to have them go with us every year to help volunteer in shelters and food pantries.
  • Cards for Hope:  I particularly love this program to get slightly younger kiddos involved.  Just bringing a smile to someone's face on a hard day can go a loooong way.  Your kids can help customize encouraging cards to send to those in need this Christmas!

2. Donate gently-used toys: we live in the Keller area, so I opted to donate our gently-used toys to Grace in Grapevine.  It was so easy and well-organized.  They had it set up as a drive-thru and I was in and out in all of 3 minutes.  They also have the option to donate new, unwrapped presents to their Christmas Cottage!  Toys for Tots is another great option!  They have tons of locations, so it should be pretty easy to find one near you!  You can also check your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook to see if any of your actual neighbors are in need of something you have!

3. Thanking emergency responders and healthcare employees: dropping off gift cards with hand-written letters, having food delivered, or personally delivering (pre-packaged because COVID) goodies to your local fire and police stations, and hospitals.  These industries never close, so many of these employees don't get to spend Christmas with their families and loved ones.

4. Christmas Cards for Our Troops: I absolutely loooove this one!  Again, it offers a teaching opportunity for your children to discuss our gratitude to our military workers and undoubtedly bring a huge smile to the recipient serving our country!

5. Blood donations: in a year when medical resources are extremely scarce, this is so important and impactful!  This is a form of giving that is absolutely free and again, can help change someone's life!

Comment below with any ideas you and your family have implemented to give back this Christmas!

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