“On the road agaaaain”

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Hi, I’m a band wife 👋 

This means a lot of things. This means I get to watch my husband work insanely hard to make his dreams come true. This means I get to watch his creative juices flow as he picks his guitar, crafts a melody, creates lyrics to a new song so he can tell a new story. It means seeing that certain look in his eye when he’s really excited about a chorus or the way the band worked together to take a part to the next level. It means happiness.

This also means I witness him loading equipment, setting up gear, ordering merch, organizing the merch table, setting up lighting, networking with venue owners, engaging with the audience, working to book more gigs, and befriending other musicians who travel the same long, weary roads like passing ships in the night.

It means time away from home, nights apart from each other. It means long practices. It means exhaustion. It means still working a day job while keeping up with those late night hours. It means working for tips, it means gas station sandwiches. It means staying long after last call to finish your job, pack your bags, and hit the road all over again.

It means a lot.

But it also means so much.

I struggle with it sometimes, I’m not going to lie to y’all! I’m not always the most supportive wife. I’m not always the number 1 fan. Ugh. I look back on times I really blew it and it makes me cringe. It makes my heart hurt. This is what my husband was set on this earth to do. It’s his passion, it’s his pride. 

Who am I to deny him my support?

Who am I to not have his back?

It’s not always easy. It’s work. It’s a compromise. It’s a learn-as-we-go kinda thing. But there’s no one else I’d rather be on this journey called life with.

Ours just happens to have a pretty awesome soundtrack.


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