Mind, body, and soul...especially body

Saturday, October 31, 2020

As Hudson’s 2nd birthday nears, I found myself reflecting.

Reflecting on a time when he was safe from the crazy, overwhelming outside world in the confines of my belly.

A time when he was knitted to me mind, body, and soul...especially body. 😉

A time when he was with me and within me.

A time when we were one.

Isn’t it crazy how that bond continues? How I miss him even when I’m just 5 minutes down the road at work and honestly, I was craving that break, needing it even?

It’s so weird how we as mamas beg for alone time and then sometimes, we spend that alone time thinking about our child. 

I know whenever Taylor and I have had a date night, or I’ve ventured out to watch one of his show, I constantly check in with my mom or whoever’s watching my son, FaceTime them, and scroll through my phone looking at pictures of his sweet face when I know my mind should be elsewhere.

That boy is my heart.

*Like, I know Beyoncé meant something different when she sang “baby boy, you stand on my miiiind” but I mean...honestly tho.*

Hudson has been a warrior since day one. He lives with a life-threatening disease and he doesn’t even know it yet. Taking medication 3 times a day is his normal. He doesn’t know any different. How do I even tell him?

I guess that’s another post for another day.

All I know is, I brought this little fighter into the world and I will fight alongside him every step of the way.

That girl in this picture didn’t know how strong she’d have to become. 

She also didn’t know how strong her little boy already was.

You amaze and inspire me daily, Hudson Cash. 

When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.


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