Hey, sister

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Guys! I’m so excited to announce some BIG news in the Johnson family!!

Have you ever received a totally unexpected blessing, an answer to a prayer you didn’t even know you had?

Over the summer, an incredible woman by the name of Pam Huff contacted my father. A link through Ancestry DNA had led her to his first cousin, Julie. It was determined, by fancy scientific reasons that I couldn’t make sense of if I tried 😂, that Pam’s biological dad would be Julie’s male first cousin.

That man is my father.

Pam was adopted at birth and my dad was never made aware of the pregnancy. During this time, he was a young man still living in his home state of California. 

After spending time getting to know Pam, my dad knew he had to provide her with the answer she’s been searching for for what I imagine is quite some time. A DNA test made it official earlier this month. 


As a girl who hoped and prayed for a sibling growing up, I couldn’t tell you how much joy this has brought me. For 31 years, I’ve lived life as an only child. Now, I get to explore this whole new kind of relationship, one I’ve yearned for since I was a 6-year-old that begged and pleaded for a sister, someone to share every joy and sorrow with, to ride alongside on this crazy journey called life.

I’ve been lucky enough to get to know Pam over the last several months and learn more about her beautiful family, including her husband and 4 children.

I can honestly say that I am beyond proud to be forever bonded with this sweet, genuine soul. It’s truly an honor.

God always knows exactly what we need, even before we do.

Welcome to the family, Pam. We couldn’t be more excited to have you.

*The photo on the left is of Pam and I’m on the right around the same age, roughly 20 years later. ❤️


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