Story time

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Hiii, story time! 👋 

This is me in October. This is the last time I felt like “me.” This is the most recent selfie (ugh, hate that word) on my camera roll because I have hated the way I’ve looked since this very moment. How’s that for honesty? I just don’t recognize the girl in the mirror right now. 

This was the last time my husband and I had a full day to ourselves, and this was the last time I got to sit, alone, enjoy live music, take a breather, and enjoy ✨ myself ✨

Motherhood is the most rewarding experience of my life. It’s also incredibly exhausting! Juggling a 2-year-old, full time job, household chores, a blog (which I’ve admittedly been totally MIA on here lately 🤦‍♀️) and a social life is draining. It’s...a lot. And with all of that, the state of our country, the ongoing pandemic, and just the day-to-day stresses of life in general, I’ve honestly been struggling to keep my head above water. 

I’ve had moments of all-consuming panic and anxiety where it felt like something was physically pushing down on my chest and and it becomes difficult to breathe.

It happened just yesterday, actually.

I just haven’t been me.

That takes a lot for me to admit. It doesn’t come easy and I’m embarrassed to say it (type it?) out loud, but there it is. 

In spite of all this, I have to look and evaluate the incredible people, things and opportunities I’ve been blessed with. I really am a lucky woman. Even in the midst of what feels like total darkness, I can still see that light begin to shine.

Even when you feel heavy, you can still learn to rise. 

Here’s to honesty. Here’s to normalizing conversations about mental health. Here’s to overcoming obstacles and helping others face theirs. Here’s to still not quite feeling like yourself, but knowing that it’s well within reach.

Here’s to you. Here’s to me.
Here’s to hanging on. 💞

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