i wanna be that friend

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I wanna be that friend.

That friend you can call in the middle of the night and vent to. The one who will sit beside you on the couch and drink wine with you while diving into deep conversation about life and love, fears and regrets...and/or an episode of The Bachelor.

I want to be the friend my husband can confide in, the one he feels always has his back no matter how sharply the winds are whipping behind him.

I want my house to be the one with an open door policy. Where you can always find a fresh perspective and an even fresher cup of coffee.

I want to be someone my kids and their friends can always come to and know that they can speak without fear of judgement.

I want to be the porch you show up on at the end of a long day, whether on your 4th day of dry shampoo and old yoga pants or all dressed up and put together because let's face it sis, your face may be smiling but that doesn't mean your heart is.

I want to be that friend you can be real with. Messy. Too much. Over-the-top. Bring it on girlfriend, I'm right there with you and my mess ain't any prettier.

I want to be a safe space. I want to meet you where you are, no matter what road you may find yourself on.

I want to feel your excitement. I want to celerate your happiness. I want to be there for you in your success as much as I am during your failures.

I wanna know your story. I want to know what makes you tick. Be you. All the good, the ugly, the dark, the light.

I want to pray with you. For you.

And I also wanna roll the windows down and blast some Britney down the backroads because I mean...Britney. Obvs.

I want be that friend to call for chick flick marathons and fuzzy socks, mimosas and dessert before dinner.

I want to be that late night call for encouragement, those early morning questions over coffee.

I just hope that I'm that friend. The one that accepts you for you. The one who loves you to it and loves you through it.

If you need a break, you know where to find me. I'll be the one with the Netflix, hot tea, and "Toxic" on repeat. 


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