comparison? imma pass

Saturday, December 28, 2019

just a reminder, mamas:

not every child is the same.

it is so, so easy to compare and man, comparison is a total joy killer. i have to remind myself of this daily.

your friend’s 7-month-old is drinking from a sippy cup? “wait, why is my 1-year-old still unable to feed himself? is that normal? is he okay?” (guilty!)

your cousin’s little one is eating solid food at half your baby’s age? “is something wrong? why can’t he chew? how do I teach him? have I failed him?” (also guilty!)

a fellow mom on Facebook shared that their child just took her first steps? “my son isn’t standing on his own yet. do I need to take him to see the doctor? is he underdeveloped? did I miss something? did I mess up?” (guilty again!)

mama, you got this.
mama, you’re doing great.

imagine if we were all the same. imagine if we learned all the same things at the same time, had all the same tastes, interests and hobbies.

what a boring, monotone world we would live in.

what you don’t know is that while Suzy’s child started walking at 10 months, she isn’t yet able to grasp that Cheerio on her tray.

while Annie’s child is eating food right off of dad’s plate, he hasn’t yet perfected his crawl.

every child is wonderfully and beautifully unique. even as adults, we don’t grow at the same pace. even as parents, we learn new things at different times.

knowledge is ever-evolving. change is inevitable.

take a deep breath, mama, and let it happen. let life (and all of it’s many milestones) take its natural course.

what will be will be. enjoy the season you’re in. hug your little one tight and watch in awe as they grow, advance and begin to truly blossom. after all, you’re the one that planted those roots.

just watch. just wait. and be ready. their wings are getting stronger, mama.

and oh, how they will soar.


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