yikes, my bad!

Monday, September 23, 2019

hi, y'all!
where do i begin? my blog was starting to feel a little neglected here lately and honestly? so have i.
i started a new job working from home and i felt like i began to lose my grasp a bit. it is so, so hard, especially as a mama, to find BALANCE. time to nurture your little one, work your job, maintain a healthy marriage, keep a clean house, spend time with friends and family, run errands, feed the dog, and my goodness, just LOVE YOURSELF. i started finding ways to juggle everything...except maybe that whole "self-care" part.
i had started working on myself and losing my baby weight...and then i started gaining it back. i began pouring my heart and soul into my blog...and then i stopped. i was making an intentional effort to better communicate with my husband...and then i started carrying around a lot of anger instead. i was (okay, kinda still am!) feeling exhausted, bitter, agitated and overwhelmed. i began drowning in worry and anxiety, totally losing sight of what was right in front of me.
like morning baby cuddles. nights filled with music. sweet neck hugs from my son. laughter with family. dinner with friends. a roof over our heads. home cooked meals. sunrises from the backyard. sunsets in the countryside. old worn pages of a favorite book. bubble baths. a glass of wine. road trips back home. memories made. new opportunities. doors opening. chapters closing.
guys, this is my very public (maybe even a little embarrassing!) commitment to own my life again. a promise to savor the good and let go of the bad. to be happy again, feel confident again, hell, just be myself again.
it won't be easy. it'll take awhile. depression is a beast. i'll slip up every now and then. i'll feel insecure at times, maybe want to find some peace and quiet, shut out the noise here and there.
but i won't give up. i refuse to lose focus. i won't let these feelings define me.
because y'all, i am beautifully and abundantly blessed. i deserve to love myself, treat myself, take care of myself. i will be happy. i can do this. sis, so can you.
i'd keep talking but i have a baby to love on and a workout to conquer.

peace out, negativity.
you ain't it.


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