treat yo man (with respect)

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

*This one’s for the ladies but it can easily be flipped for the opposite gender. Just don’t start a bathroom debate.

So call me crazy, but I think supporting and appreciating your husband is kinda cool. Way too often, I see women complaining about their husband’s long hours, chastising them for their failures, putting unreasonable demands on them like white on rice. Now first, let me put this out there– I’m the wife of a salesman. He works for a Chevrolet dealership. His hours are endless, his days are stressful, he has sales goals to meet and a sea of people to talk to. I am SO guilty of getting upset when he comes through the door at 9 PM, wishing we had time for some Netflix and couch cuddlin’ but instead eating a late dinner and going straight to bed. There are days he stays hours after closing, only to have the deal fall through at the last minute. Do I really need to complain about how tired I am? Or how we missed the chance to sit down and watch a movie together? Or hit him with one of my good ol’ fired up rants the second he walks in the door? (Or maybe like, ever?)

My husband is, hands down, the hardest working, most multi-talented guy I know. He works his job, cooks INCREDIBLY good, gourmet restaurant-worthy meals, single-handedly completes renovations on the house, makes sure his kids are where they’re supposed to be with everything they need, and keeps our lights on, our water running and a roof over our heads. He does this BY. HIM. SELF. I may contribute a little every week from my job, but this man is the main provider. I mean, I’m in awe of the dude. I may keep the kitchen counters clean but he’s the one that built ‘em.

It’s so easy to sometimes overlook the sacrifices your spouse is making and instead focus your energy on the why nots and coulda-beens. Without the hours my husband spends on his feet all day, we wouldn’t have food on our table. Without the insane amount of time and labor he’s put into the house, we wouldn’t have the counter-tops, back splash, flooring, Chip-and-Joanna- approved-wood-accent-wall, none of it. I mean, he remodeled an entire bathroom by himself in addition to juggling all that and then some. The most I knew how to do was slap some paint on the walls and call it a day.

Always keep in mind that if you have a good, solid man in your life, he will provide in any way he can, not just financially. He will go above and beyond to meet the needs of your family. He will put time and effort into making sure your life together runs as smoothly as possible. This isn’t to say that you as a woman can’t do that, too. DANG RIGHT YA CAN! Until we decided to pack up and move to our small town, I had a good career, money in my pocket, the whole shebang. When we embarked on our new journey, I happily became a stay-at-home-wife for almost a year. I saw just how much heart and soul Taylor puts into everything he does and for that, I will forever be indebted.

Knowing he enjoys making a good life for his wife and children is a quality I truly respect and admire. I’m all about an independent woman (and highly recommend making sure a girl can stand on her own two feet, come what may) but there’s something innately comforting about a true man’s man that revels in his role as a provider. It hasn’t always been easy for us. Sometimes, it still isn’t. The pressure is high and his shoulders are heavy. He carries that load on his own. But I promise to always uplift him, tell him how appreciated he is and lend a hand wherever possible. Don’t worry, I swear I’ll get that whole cooking thing down soon. I’ll continue to bite my tongue on those late nights. I’ll keep making sure the floors are swept and the toilets are clean. (No, seriously, I will. I’m one of those super neurotic Monica Gellers that actually enjoys cleaning and organizing. :/ ) I’ll continue to use my husband as my personal motivation to work as hard in my day-to-day life as he does. And I will try to harness every negative emotion, every ounce of stress, every “I-wish-we-could” and turn it into a “because of him, we can.”

Girls, you deserve to be loved. You deserve to have your needs met. You deserve the help. You deserve the hand. You deserve a good man. And he deserves a good woman. Keep it positive, show him he’s loved, take time to truly see and appreciate everything he does for you and your family. Be his shoulder to cry on, his ear to talk to, his best friend and his built-in support system. It goes both ways. And don’t forget to hold on for dear life, because you found yourself a good one.

Now, go sing “I don't want no scrubs” at the top of your lungs and appreciate that he ain’t always talkin’ ‘bout what he wants and just sits on his broke a**.


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