hello again, world

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Originally posted September 7th, 2016.

Some of my favorite things in life include a warm drink, a good book and a true heart-to-heart. By starting this blog, I hope to create a little piece of home for anyone looking for something to talk about, a slice of encouragement, or total overkill when it comes to pictures of pumpkins/fall leaves/and rustic settings because let’s face it, I’m as basic as they come.

Throughout this journey, I’ll also be ATTEMPTING TO COOK (and blogging every burnt piece of chicken and failed recipe in the process. I’m sure my husband is thrilled), exploring my passion for photography and sharing my random musings of balancing a brand new marriage, step-mommahood and  attempts at homemaking in a way that is hopefully fun, relate-able and maybe even a little uplifting.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram @ kaleybranch or e-mail me at kaleybranchblog@gmail.com with any ideas, questions, or stories of your own.
Here we goooo!


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