Being thankful in a year of chaos

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Being thankful in a year full of chaos.

Man. That’s a tough one.

2020 seems to have been universally hard on all of us. A global pandemic, raging fires, hurricanes, job closures, a reassurance of that whole global pandemic thing even though it never really ended 🤷‍♀️, missing time with family and friends...the list goes on and on and honestly, the thought of mentioning it all is at once depressing and exhausting.

So how, coming into the holiday season, do we  maintain a sense of thankfulness and gratitude?

I feel like I’m not alone in that struggle. This year has been a doozy for our family in many ways, as it seems to have been for so many families across the world.

But in my coffee-induced state of reflection this morning, it hit me.

By 9 AM alone, I had cuddled with my son, heard his ceaseless laughter, had a tickle fight, ate breakfast together, worked on words and colors, and cozied up on the couch to his favorite show, Boss Baby. (Season 4 is out on Netflix now. You’re welcome, mamas. 😏)

Last week, I got to attend a small gathering with some of my favorite people on this planet for an early Friendsgiving. (See above!)

Next week, my husband and his band will enter a recording studio for the first time and begin work on their debut album after years of hard work and dedication to their craft.

Right now, the sun is shining, there’s a soft breeze, and I’m watching my child bouncing on his rocking horse, arms wrapped tightly around its neck, as he squeals and smiles and totally and completely melts my heart.

A week from today, I’ll complete my 31st trip around the sun. 

Being thankful for those things? Cherishing that stuff? Seeing the beauty in these small, fleeting, lightening-fast moments that we often don’t appreciate until they’re gone?

That’s it. That’s the stuff to be thankful for. Those are the reasons to count your blessings and your lucky stars.

Next Thursday, as we gather around the dinner table, I will still be thankful for what I’ve been given this year. 

I will still appreciate every second of goodness that has been granted to me.

I will still look onward and upward, move forward and move on.

Here’s wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Look for the light, y’all.

And if you can’t find it? Be it.

Just focus on that light. ❤️

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